There are lots of gift ideas in the market available for any occasions anytime of the month. Some of the common items suitable for gift-giving are precious jewelries, figurines, stuff toys and even foods. There is also one unique gift that you could offer to the special someone. On the other hand, you can also give a pop art print to someone without any occasion.Art Print For A Serious Brother
Your brother might be a studious kind of guy that is usually has a long face. Make him smile for awhile by printing his art. In his serious gesture, she could able to give a wide grin and he will keep the pop art print as an enjoyable remembrance from you.Art Print For Your Grieving Mother
One of the cause of grievance is the lost of someone special. Your father had given up his last breath and your mother didn’t able to move on to a new life without him. Well, we cannot blame her because the pain it bears is very deep in the heart. Associated with some sort of encouragements, you could also think of something that will ease the pain. Take an action to get the special photos of their wedding or any moments that manifest sweetness and love between them. Bring those photos to a digital printing company that will turn them to a colorful pop art print. You can ask the artist to print it on a canvas for the durability of the pop art image. As you hang it in your wall, your mother will realize how happy your father was as he spent his life with her. This will remind your mother that her husband is already in peace and it’s time for her to move on.Art For Your Little Baby
Based on Piaget, babies form 0-2 years old are in the sensorimotor stage wherein they can able to appreciate colors and shapes. Well, a pop art photo in their t-shirts could be also kept and at the age of four, he could able to determine who the subject is- no other than himself. If you put his photo to pop art photo on a canvas that lives for years, he could really appreciate it in his older age. This art canvas will also be a family heirloom the could live for a century.Art For Yourself
Give yourself a reward! You have to take an initiative to print even your single photo to a pop art canvas. This is an ideal decoration for your bedroom or even in your living room. You can also personalized some of your common things like bags, t-shirts, cups, hats or even your key chain with your photo picture. This will really be amazing and you can proudly show them off to your friends and relatives.
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